Monday, 30 July 2007

Knealing in Church

One of the purposes of Peripatetic Postings is to chronicle our joint outings; what the other purposes are we don't know as yet but I'm sure it will come to us.

Regular followers of the Boys' Day Out will know that we spend a lot of time in church. It sometimes worries me that it might begin to rub off and that my essentially humanist approach to life will be corrupted. Judging by this picture from today's jaunt, for one of us it's already on the way.

For the sake of his knees, please pass him a knealer.


Peter Bryenton said...

This was indeed a conversion experience.

I was converting numbers to colours: I find 6500 degrees Kelvin so much clumsier to visualise than daylight blue. Thankfully, Nikon draw a little picture of a house-in-the-shade on my camera's display, presumably to ameliorate any such anxious moments.

Pauline said...

You two are a constant delight. I do hope it's ok to comment here - do get up off your knees...

Canbush said...

Pauline, your comments are a source of delight to us also - please feel free to drop by our bijou joint venture anytime.

Peter Bryenton said...

Off my knees? See post above this one, P.