Saturday, 19 April 2008

Tea for two

A typical Boys’ Day Out (BDO) almost invariably involves a tea shop. The Old Stable is little more than a stone’s throw from my home. Dave and I found ourselves in need of a visit, late one recent Saturday afternoon. Well, our morning’s cooked breakfast had worn off by then, and we’d only had a light snack for lunch.

Happily tired from playing lighting games in a nearby church with our big cams, I simply stuck my little point-and-shoot on a self timer setting, plopped it atop a convenient table, then let it focus where it would, and expose for what it could. We assumed the position: cups and saucers at the ready. Dave waited for the flash. I didn’t, because I knew there wouldn’t be one.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

two wonderful photos in a row! (well, P pontificating and tea - how could they be anything else but grand?)

I don't understand the bit about the bouncing light - I'm still trying to figure out the settings on m y baby digital...